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Upcoming Faculty Advancement Series: Teaching with the Case Method and Problem-Based Learning

Please join the CTLE for a workshop presented by Dr. Linda Nilson (Clemson University) on

Wednesday, 16 Sept 2009
2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
STT 590

Both the case method and problem-based learning (PBL) are proven powerful methods for engaging students in the subject matter, getting them to analyze situations, and giving them practice in applying the course material to solve real-world problems.

These methods are well suited to disciplines that have a context for application or use. These include business, law, medicine, nursing, public health, all engineering specialties, education, philosophy (e.g., ethics), economics (e.g., macro, legal aspects), political science (e.g., policy analysis, public administration, constitutional law) sociology (e.g., social problems, criminal justice, organizations), psychology (e.g., clinical, abnormal, organizational behavior), biology (e.g., resource management, ecology, DNA testing, genetics), physics, chemistry, and research methods in general (e.g., hypothesis formulation, research study design). These methods have even been used in music history and art history.

Refreshments will be served.

Register for this event.

View other upcoming Faculty Advancement Series Events.


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