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Dr. William Rowe: 2009 CASE Professor of the Year

The University of Scranton named William V. Rowe, Ph.D., professor of philosophy, its CASE Professor of the Year in recognition of his outstanding performance as a member of the faculty.

“It’s a cliché to say you’re humbled by an honor, but I am humbled by this teaching award,” said Dr. Rowe. “My son’s experience as a student at the university assured me that I work alongside a lot of gifted teachers.”

Professors awarded by individual schools are then eligible for further recognition by the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) at the state and national levels.

Dr. Rowe, a resident of Clarks Summit, joined the philosophy faculty at Scranton in 1990 as an associate professor. In 1995, he was named professor and chair of the philosophy department, a position he held until 2004.

He currently serves as director of the Center for Ethics Studies at the university, and is a member of the Judaic Studies Committee, Faculty Development Board and Schemel Forum Board. Dr. Rowe is a former faculty moderator of Phi Sigma Tau, the national philosophy honor society.

Prior to joining the Scranton faculty, Dr. Rowe was a senior member in history of philosophy at the Institute for Christian Studies in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and an assistant professor of philosophy at The King's University College in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Dr. Rowe was a co-recipient of a U.S. Department of Energy Grant to study the ethical, social and legal implications of the Human Genome Project (1997 -2003). He was chosen as Teacher of the Year by The University of Scranton's graduating class of 2003, and received the Alpha Sigma Nu Annual Teaching Award in 1997. Dr. Rowe has had his work published in numerous academic and professional journals. He is a frequent presenter at academic and public events.

Dr. Rowe earned a bachelor's degree from Allegheny College, a master of philosophy degree from the Institute for Christian Studies, Toronto, a master of arts degree from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary and a Ph.D. from Duquesne University, Pittsburgh.


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